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There are various subscriptions you can purchase, for the various data types sold by ThetaData. This page describes what each subscription entails.


To access any data, you must have the Theta Terminal running. You should have a terminal open that looks something similar to the image below.


When you start the terminal, it will display the level of access you have for each type of data.

Free Data

1 year of free historical EOD (End of Day) data for US stocks and options is provided for free. There is a 20-requests/minute rate limit imposed on free accounts.

Stock Data

ThetaData has full historical coverage for the UTP tape going back to 2012-06-01. For symbols only available on the CTA tape, the history is limited to 2020-01-01. This includes symbols like SPY and GE. Be sure to read our Making Requests before purchasing a subscription.

General Access

TierGranularityFirst Access DateServer ThreadsDelay
FREEEOD2023-06-0130 reqs/min1 day
VALUE1 Minute2021-01-01115-minute
STANDARD1 Minute2016-01-012Real-time
PROTick Level2012-06-014Real time

Historical Endpoint Access

EOD Report
Trade Quote

Real Time Endpoint Access

Quote SnapshotDelayed (15min)Real TimeReal Time
OHLC SnapshotDelayed (15min)Real TimeReal Time
Trade SnapshotReal TimeReal Time
Bulk Quote SnapshotReal TimeReal Time

Real Time Streaming Access

The number of contracts a tier can stream at the same time is defined below. All forms of equity streaming use real time data from the Nasdaq Basic feed.

# of streamable contracts for quotes001,00020,000
# of streamable contracts for trades001,00020,000

Options Data

General Access

TierGranularityFirst Access DateServer ThreadsDelay
FREEEOD2023-06-0130 reqs/min1 day
VALUE1 Minute2020-01-011Real time
STANDARDTick Level2016-01-012Real time
PROTick Level2012-06-014Real time

Historical Endpoint Access

Open Interest
Trade Quote
Implied Volatility
Greeks 2nd Order
Greeks 3rd Order
Trade Greeks
Trade Greeks 2nd Order
Trade Greeks 3rd Order

Bulk Historical Endpoint Access

A bulk historical request allows you to request data every option contract to share the same symbol and expiration combination.

Bulk EOD
Bulk Quote
Bulk Open Interest
Bulk Trade
Bulk Trade Quote
Bulk EOD Greeks

Real-Time Endpoint Access

Open Interest

Bulk Real-Time Endpoint Access

A bulk snapshot allows you to request a snapshot every option contract to share the same symbol and expiration combination. The pro tier has the ability to specify exp=0 in the request to retrieve every option that shares the same symbol AKA an option root snapshot. (note: Any exp=0 must be requested day by day)

Bulk Quote
Bulk Open Interest
Bulk Greeks
Bulk Greeks Second Order
Bulk Greeks Third Order

Streaming Access

The number of contracts that a tier can stream at the same time is defined below.

# of streamable contracts for quotes0010,00015,000
# of streamable contracts for trades0015,000Unlimted (use the full trade stream)
Full trade Stream

Index Data

The resolution of the data is entirely dependent on the reporting exchange. For instance CBOE reports SPX every second. Indices from the Nasdaq Indices Feed are currently not supported. This includes $NDX.

If the previous reported price has not changed, there will be no new tick reported by Theta Data. For instance, if the price of SPX is $4000 at 9:31:00 and the price has not changed at 9:31:01, a new price message will not be available historically and in real-time. This is easy to work around as any "missing" historical price tick can be interpreted as the price did not change from the previous tick.

TierGranularityFirst Access DateDelayServer Threads
STANDARDLowest reported by venues2022-01-01real-time2
PROLowest reported by venues2017-01-01real-time4

Symbol Coverage

Real-time / ongoing updates is available for all indices reported on the CGIF. This includes SPX and VIX. Historic coverage for indices such as RUT and DJX is available between the first access date and 2024-07-01. There is no support for NDX or any symbols on the Nasdaq Indices feed. Our near term plans are to generate synthetic indices data that will match the officially reported prices with a 99% accuracy. This synthetic pricing data will be available to indices data subscribers once available.

Missing RUT and DJX

We stopped receiving the Russell 2000 feed and Dow Jones indices feeds as the exchange fees were incredibly high for us to offer this data. After 2024-09-06, we are now receiving this data on our CBOE CGIF feed. This was unexpected but a pleasant surprise for us. It did create the problem of “missing” dates for the time we stopped receiving those indices from LSEG and CME and when we started receiving them from CGIF. The missing dates range from 2024-06-03 to 2024-09-06 until repair scheduled for Q1 2025.

Endpoint Access

Price SnapshotXX
OHLC SnapshotXX