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Fetch information about indices from Theta Data.

Subscription Required

You must have a Standard or Pro Theta Data subscription, and Theta Data terminal running to use this Excel add-in!


Real-time index data.


  • req_type - The type of the request (see below).
  • root - Required ticker symbol for the security.

Snapshot Request Types

  • ohlc - Real-time current day OHLC.
  • price - Real-time last index price.


Historic index data.


  • req_type - The type of the request (see below).
  • start_date - The start date (inclusive) of the request formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
  • end_date - The end date (inclusive) of the request formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
  • root - Underlying ticker symbol for the security.
  • [ivl] - The interval size in milliseconds, or tick-level data if omitted. For 1 minute intervals, use 60000.

History Request Types

  • price - A Theta Data generated price for the specified interval.
  • ohlc - Open, high, low, and close prices for the specified interval.
  • eod - Theta Data generated end-of-day report for the dates specified.