The Theta Data Excel add-in provides new functions for gathering market data, and inserting it into a sheet. Each function is in the THETADATA
namespace in Excel. You can see a list of functions by typing =THETADATA.
into a cell. A menu should pop up listing all the functions.
Subscription Required
You must have a Theta Data subscription, and Theta Data terminal running to use this Excel add-in!
Optional parameters are always at the end of the function, and are not set by being left off.
Stock Examples
- Fetch all quotes for Google. =THETADATA.STOCK_SNAPSHOT("quote")
- Fetch all quotes for all stocks.
=THETADATA.STOCK_AT_TIME("trade", "2024-02-20", "2024-02-23", "AAPL", 400000)
- Fetch all of the trades between 2024-02-20 and 2024-02-23, 400,000ms after midnight for Apple.
=THETADATA.STOCK_HISTORY("eod", "2023-01-01", "2024-12-31", "RDDT")
- Fetch the end-of-day data for Reddit for 2023.
Options Examples
- Fetch the greeks for Google for all expirations, strikes, and rights. This can return a LOT of data. =THETADATA.OPTIONS_SNAPSHOT("trade", "GOOG", "2025-12-19", 150, "C")
- Fetch the trades for CALL options for Google expiring Dec 19th 2025.
=THETADATA.OPTIONS_AT_TIME("quote", "2024-02-20", "2024-02-23", "AAPL", 400000)
- Fetch all trades for Apple between 2024-02-20 and 2024-02-23, 400,000ms after midnight.
=THETADATA.OPTIONS_HISTORY("ohlc", "2024-02-20", "2024-02-21", "RDDT")
- Fetch Open, High, Low, and Close aggregates for Reddit options on Feb 20th 2024. =THETADATA.OPTIONS_HISTORY("open_interest", "2024-02-20", "2024-02-21", "RDDT", "2025-04-17")
- Fetch open interest for the Reddit options expiring April 17th 2025.
Index Examples
- Fetch the current price of the S&P.
=THETADATA.INDEX_HISTORY("price", "2023-01-01", "2024-12-31", "SPX")
- Get the price of the S&P for 2023.